This is what I get opening the debugger
Acrobat JavaScript Debugger Functions Version 10.0
Acrobat EScript Built-in Functions Version 10.0
Acrobat SOAP 10.0
Exception in line 1 of function top_level, script XFA:Countries[0]:#subform[0]:DropDownList[0]:DateField2[0]:initialize
Exception in line 5 of function top_level, script XFA:Countries[0]:#subform[0]:DropDownList[0]:initialize
Line 1
$.rawValue = num2date(date(), "YYYY-MM-DD")
Line 5
item = xfa.form.createNode(Adobe.ContentType.Boolean, "MatchFirstCharacters"); |
This is what I get when I click submit
Exception in line 1 of function top_level, script XFA:Countries[0]:#subform[0]:CommandCenter[0]:Button1[0]:click