I'm ok with that too. Now i pay in 3 years "similar to Master Col" what i would pay in my country for one perpetual licence simillar to Design Standard. Everyone said before CC, they upgrade software every 3 years, so i dont get where is the problem? Why is everyone so mad? And i'm not from some rich country, not at all! When i started, i had few bucks in my pocket and that was the time when CC started. I use it one year now and never had a problem. I pay for it more happily then my telephone bills or taxes. Its 60 bucks a month, come on! Thats almost what World of Warcraft kids pay! And you use this stuff for living or as hobby.
The only problem i see is if Adobe will try to rip us off and make it like 120 a month, then setting up some premium account for 400 a month and we know Adobe likes to do such things... oh, shhhh, dont give them ideas!