I have been using CS5 (student and teacher edition) for a long time and upgraded to Creative Cloud.
When I switched over to CC, I did not deactivate CS5, because I thought, I never wanted to use it anymore.
Now I wanted to install it in my notebook, to have a good graphics-software on that device, too. Unfortunately, I couldn't activate it, as there were too many acivations before.
I understand that, but I can not deactivate CS5 on the other computer, as I don't have it installed anymore.
Could you please do that for me?
One more problem I have: In the activation process, I am adviced to establish an internet connection.
But the internet connection is up and running (Webbrowser loads any website I am trying to access) and I am not using a proxy.
Can you give me a hint on that issue, too?
Christian Heisch