I had high hopes for Audition's Automatic Speech Alignment... but the audio is 48 minutes. Audition says I don't have enough memory even though I have 64GB of ram and over a 900 gb of free space on my cache drive. The only way it works is if I break into smaller clips less than 5 minutes each which is basically the same as me doing it manually in Premiere.
To other replies - yes I took the audio out separately to a .wav file and imported by itself. Still have the same sync issue. I thought for a brief minute that the sampling rate was the problem (41000 Hz vs 48000 Hz) or the bitrate (16 bit vs 32 bit) but when I corrected it so all were the same, it still has the same sync issue. I must be missing something really simple and on any other day would be obvious.
Guess I'll just go back and edit manually - there are enough silent moments to razor and shift the audio but it shouldn't be this difficult to fix what has to be a somewhat common issue.