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Re: Upload to Facebook from Premiere Elements 11 fails




I understand that you must have lots of pressing issues to address as moderator, and wouldn't ask you to spend more time on mine, but I'd just like to know your cpu and operating system because forum posters commonly identify problems with the combination of Intel Core i7 CPU - 3rd Generation Ivy Bridge, Windows 8.1, Flash Player since version 11.5 and Firefox versions concurrent with Flash Player 11.6 and beyond. Unfortunately, all of these specs coincide with my system!


There's a host of forums concerning choppy Flash video playback in Firefox, and as mentioned in my post #22 here, apparently 1.5 million hits on Google.You must be a bit puzzled with my experience because Firefox and Flash work smoothly for you. But here is the problem and "Correct Answer" according to an Adobe forum with 144 entries (bearing in mind that probs have since been solved with IE11):



Flash player stutters for 1 second then continues normally

This question has been Answered.

  marbik   Community Member



Hi all,


Problem is very weird. I have Mozilla Firefox, IE, latest flash (11.9), Win 8.1 All latest updates. Online video playback with flash player stutters in a very weird way - even if video is fully downloaded it stutters for a second irregulary and then continues normally as if nothing happen. This stutter is similar like someone just opened something on a slow hdd and thus makes the flash playback stutter for just a second (even though i have an ssd that is very fast; rest of computers is i7, r9 280x, so a fast and modern computer). This happens in irregular intervals on both browsers. Video is watchable but this is very annoying. I tried reinstalling just about everything except the OS itself. I disabled hardware acceleration and set cash to unlimited in flash settings, still nothing. This happens with youtube as well as all other flash video in both browsers. Ofcourse other video playback is fine (.avi, .mp4 etc). It can happen 5 times in 5 minutes, and than nothing for half an hour and then starts again.


Anyone else had a similar problem?



Correct Answer by TenshiTec on Dec 11, 2013 2:29 AM

I have the same problem. It just happen only with Windows 8.1. My System: Core i7-3770, 16 GB Ram, 256 GB SSD and a stable VDSL2 25 Mbit internet connection. System is up to date. Newest flash version is also installed: 11.9.900.170.


To temporary solve the problem, i go to task manager under details and set the cpu affinity for FlashPlayerPlugin_11_9_900_170.exe to 1 core.


With Flash Version 11.5 the problem is gone, but it's a old (unsave) version of flash.


Google Chrome is the only browser without this problem.


I tried all. No problems with Windows 7 and Windows 8.0. It's only under Windows 8.1.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Actually, ATR, IE11 (with embedded Flash Player and regular Microsoft updates) now plays flash videos smoothly, so Firefox remains the odd one out, to the frustration of many, many forum posters who choose Firefox for other reasons (as I do).

Well, ATR, I am happy that the choppiness that has so bothered me in Firefox is simply not a problem when replaying on YouTube or Facebook in Chrome or IE11. Therefore, my deinterlacing and video settings surely must be OK. I wish that all Firefox users could view my material smoothly, but a percentage of people see choppiness in all videos on YouTube and Facebook in Firefox; not just mine - and there's nothing I can do about that.


Here is the link to the above forum: Flash player stutters for 1 second then continues normally


I will continue to follow this and other forums, looking for solutions, but otherwise view my videos (and others) using IE11 and Chrome, and I don't ask you to spend more time on this issue, except to let me know your computing environment - especially operating system and CPU.


Regards, Phil

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