i have 64bit os and ps cc and ps cc 64bit on my laptop but everything seems to be opened by ps cc ie psd files etc and not the 64bit version when i try to make 64bit default program on media control...
View ArticleRe: Missing Folder, Nothing in Collections Folder
When you remove photos from Lightroo, you lose the collection information for tthose photos. You may also lose your develop settings for those photos. If you have a recent backup of your catalog file...
View ArticleHow can I load an swf file, using an iframe?
Hi. I want to open an iframe, inside the animation (and after clicking on a button), to load a captivate file (a swf). I want to avoid the need to load the swf file since the beginning, so, I belive...
View ArticleHyperlink text highlight when hovering over
Is there a way to create text highlight effect when hovering over hyperlinks in interactive pdf's created in InDesign6 ?
View ArticleRe: copy paste not working
Copy paste ctrl+c ctrl+v doesn't work in Adobe story cc plus desktop version. Atleast not for me. Pressing ctrl+c doesnt copy anything. ctrl+v only pastes text from ms Word.only way to copy is to...
View ArticleRe: "The files are on a volume that does not support Trash. Would you like to...
I don't really know if it's Adobe or Apple. LR is the only program I use that moves files to the trash.
View ArticleRe: How do I change the site thumbnail in social network links?
Please refer to similar threads :
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It is the properties tab I think. Basically, I want to make one of the characters glow whenever the cursor hovers over them. I have created this in 'advanced actions' but can't find a way to actually...
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I would like to install Adobe InDesign CC on my Windows desktop (released in 2013). I downloaded the trial version of the CC installer from When...
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The transparency is still there its just not display with a checkerboard to show transparency. Transparency is displayed as white which make it hard to know what is white and what is transparent.
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I have the same problem. The patch doesn't fix it.
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I have been using a Mac for the last couple of years but have always used Lightroom on a PC prior to this and have now installed Lightroom 5 on my Mac Using iPhoto/Aperture and importing to the Mac...
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Michael Walton wrote: My #mainmenubar code is not in that file yet but in the <head> while I'm testing it. Once I get it to work, I plan to add it to the main CSS file below: Are you sure the...
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Thanks once again Ned, but I've resolved the problem. I'd forgotten that I had original bought CS5.5, which had entitled me to a free upgrade to CS6 - hence the upgrade version. My CS5.5 serial number...
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Hello, We have an application running using ColdFusion 8,0,0 and are planni gto upgrade to ether ColdFusoin 10 or ColdFuson 11.I am less familiar with both vesions (10/11) so I wonder: Are there any...
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How much space did you have left exactly?
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