Re-using expression-generated values to input into other expressions (read-out)
Hi there everyone. I was wondering if there is a way to 'capture' expression generated values and either buffer these values or re-using them directly in other expressions. I am trying to track...
View ArticleRe: Blur Tool doesn't work properly in Photoshop CS6
Ahh I didn't noticed it was unchecked, thanks @_@ And thank you for the Layer Mask tip
View ArticleRe: Why won't my photoshop elements open?
Hi, Which version of Photoshop Elements are you trying to use? Which operating system are you running on? Brian
View ArticleDownloading trial of Creative Cloud and Indesign
Hi I have now downloaded the trial for 30 days. I am in desperate need of leaning about Indesign. It has still not been possible for me to open indesign ! I need your help.
View ArticleRe: Deleting Lightroom Presets?
Please add support to manage the preset list (including and especially the default presets)
View ArticleXYZ white point of an image taken in the shade.
Hello, I would like to know what would be the white point, in a XYZ colour space, of an image taken in the shade. I assume it would be a of higher temperature (bluer) than the normal daylight.
View ArticleDreamweaver slow like a tortoise (#2)
I see this discussion got locked!! Wonder why that happened? However moving on today I got real excited when I saw two updates in my CC update window I thought that maybe the long awaited update to fix...
View ArticleRe: [IDCS6 - CC - JS] to recognize Edge animations
Yes, may be a possible workaround.My intent is to avoid as much as possible every loop, but without a "itemLink" property or similar, i think it's impossible. thanks Ivan
View ArticleRequest: Ability to manage (and delete) lightroom default presets
Please support the widely requested ability to manage and remove lightroom default presets. At the very least store them on disk where expert users can remove them by force if they choose.
View ArticleLiens sur pdf
J'ai créer un pdf avec des liens pour ouvrir des autres doc pdf dans des nouvelles fenêtre sur mac, le résultat sur pc et acrobat reader ne fonctionne pas. Peut-on m'aider ??
View ArticleRe: Indesign CS6 crashes when opening docs
How did you do the clean install? There's a script for doing a clean install -
View ArticleHow to install programs on another computer with creative cloud
I'm having trouble installing Adobe programs on my main computer, it worked on my laptop perfectly fine but when i installed creative cloud on my desktop computer it just comes up as 'try' instead of...
View ArticleRe: rendering
You have not provided any exact system info, comp settings, footage details, render settings and whatnot. Sorry, but just saying that it doesn't work is of no use. you could be using a single specific...
View ArticleRe: error ref code: tuMfkgFG8GvC0T4olRZOeA
It's interesting. I was able to use your on line form to try the form data retrieval issues, so I think it must have worked somehow. The paper size "letter" is to solve your data retrieval issue, not...
View ArticleRe: I am trying to use the point type but when I click the T, I get a pencil...
tmite, The layer may be locked. If so, it also applies to other tools. Look at the Layers palette, and click the lock beside the eye to get rid of it.
View ArticleRe: How to install programs on another computer with creative cloud
Sign in, activation, or connection errors | CC, CS6, CS5.5 Mylenium
View ArticleRe: Php & MySql login system
Webfanatics wrote: Hi I am setting up a database connection. Made sure it is in the correct location, when i click to select my database is connects to the server ans says testing database connection...
View ArticleRe: Brackets ( and ) not being handle properly by InDesign ME
Interesting. I was hoping that Adobe would have a better approach to it then this. Have you ever approached Adobe on it and reported it as a problem?
View ArticleRe: Uploading Slides- formatting changes
Thank you for the information that at best I have to use the fonts hosted on Windows 2008 servers.But the url to a list of fonts shows me - Arial is there, but Narrow is missing- New Times Roman is...
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