Why does textInput.tracking not return a value ?
Instead it throws an exception "This functionality may not be available in your Photoshop Version" or something of the kind. I can use the functionality, obviously, which is why this confuses me...
View ArticleRe: CP8 - side by side
Now I remember someone showing that long time ago, but for some reason I'm not able to reproduce that workflow. I can only show two projects side by side when they are floating. Whenever I drag them...
View ArticleRe: I keep getting an 'out of memory' message in the new InDesign CC 2014
Hi, Once I get the message it goes into an infinite loop and the only way out is to force quit.OS 10.9.3, 600gb of HD space and 14gb of RAM, no other apps running either.I'll try recreating the...
View ArticleI need to move photoshop CS4 from one computer to a new one. Do I uninstall...
I need to move photoshop CS4 from one computer to a new one. Do I uninstall and then install again on the new computer. I have the CD and the licensnumber
View ArticleRe: Edit Properties of Multiple fields
The only way this can be done, except for manually one by one, is by using a script.
View ArticleRe: How to get my admin login to adobe creatice cloud?
It Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise. The order number is 138906116, It is located in www.licensing.adobe.com I have send you an Email, please check. RegardsRajshree
View ArticleRe: Has anyone else noticed that on CC the pentool does not allow you to...
I tested with Photoshop CS6 and CC 14.x, and compared them with Photoshop CC (2014). I don't see a difference in path closing behavior, other than Photoshop CC (2014) feeling more responsive. Are you...
View ArticleRe: Download Error, contact customer service.
How do I find my exact issue??Its not working for me, I have uninstalled and reinstalled CC to no avail.
View ArticleRe: Why CC(2014)? I have a CC which was announced as always up-to-date...
I totally agree with that, now we all have two versions of each app, and what a joy it is! Indesign 2014 documents are NOT compatible with Indesign CC. What's the point of all this? They just had to...
View ArticleWhy does CC Status say "normal" when it is not?
Why does the Creative Cloud Status report "operating normally" when it clearly is not? I have not been able to use my CC apps that are installed on my computer since Friday, June 21, 2014. Apparently,...
View ArticleRe: Is there a way to flatten an image in Indesign?
Another question for the OP is what version of InDesign in use here. Onecould argue that the biggest advances in the last few releases have been inEPUB.
View ArticleRe: Re: Re: How to make at startup script that fits spread on open
Tried to do as an example in Indesign scripting guide and it works just as fine as the other: #targetengine "zoom" main(); function main() { var myEventListener =...
View ArticleRe: Konturenstärke
@Eveline – yes, there is.You need some preperation: 1. Set the general preferences to:ObjektbearbeitungBeim Skalieren:[x] Auf Inhalt anwenden 2. Use the Transformation Panel and UNTICK:"Konturenstärke...
View ArticleRe: Administration rights to install add-ons
I'm having the exact same issue. Started with the last CC app update .. running OS X 10.9.3
View ArticleRe: CF11 and CF8 on same server.
thank you, I figured this is how I would do it but had a fear it would screw up my server but it seems the 2 versions can live happily along beside each other.thanks again.
View ArticleLightroom 5.5 wont start.. OSX 10.9.3
Just installed Lightroom 5.5 from the CC Aplication on my Mac running OSX 10.9.3 , And Lightroom will not open, all i get is the typical LR loading graphic though nothing is happening.... have tried...
View ArticleRe: How do I print pages 1 and 8 of a booklet, single sided, without the...
What version of ID and which OS?
View ArticleRe: I have CC photography membership, however my Photoshop and Lightroom can...
I'm having the same issues... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
View ArticleRe: Why oh why do...........
Richard I use Edius as well as Premiere and I do not see the same degree of bugs screwing up users systems when I am on their forum. Granted they are not as many Edius users as there are Premiere but...
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