"Installationprogram cannot get access to critical file/folder.(error 43) ??
"Installationprogram cannot get access to critical file/folder.(error 43) - the update installation program states and will not update.How do I solve this ?
View ArticleRe: Save As JPEG in AppleScript
hi there are some good reasons to use applescript – not only photoshop is working on a mac.with applescript it is possible to build automation tasks over the whole system including various...
View ArticleRe: tally radio buttons
Sure, but we need some more information. What are the names of the radio-button groups? What are the actual "export values" for each item in those groups ("Yes" and "No")?
View ArticleRe: html5 animation: Flash CC vs. Edge Animate?
Hi, i am the newbie web dsigner marco.So i heard a lot about flash websites and how cool they are and that its a great way to make templates and make some money, but now like you are discussing here...
View ArticleRe: Premiere Pro CC and the New Mac Pro (2014)
Glitches come back, mate... And it is really frustrating. Went back to FCP X.The proxies were encoded with media encoder in 24 hours, with Final Cut create proxy it took only half as much time.I would...
View ArticleRe: how to use acropdf even if addon is deactivated in InternetExplorer
Well, I tried three things out now, all three tests fail, if the IE-addon is deactivated and succeed, if the IE-addon is activated:1. In my application (don't laugh, it is VB6 legacy code ) my failing...
View Articlehow do i add a condition in my form?
i saw in the description we can add conditions in forms but i didn't find where i can do it.
View ArticleRe: How to know the source document for pasted page items
Copy (to scrap), close & delete source, paste (into other doc).How would you make use of the source DB then? Anyway, if UIDs + databases are involved, you might just need an...
View ArticleRe: how do i add a condition in my form?
What version of Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader do you have?What do you mean by a "condition"?
View ArticleRe: compre muse lo estaba trabajando y empezó a salirme un anuncio de error y...
Liliana, el titular es un titular, no el tema. Gracias. Puedes actualizar el programa? Hazlo. Sin dudar. Abre el programa y si no te sale antes la ventana de Actualizar, en Ayuda> Actualizaciones. O...
View ArticleRecurrent reinstallation flashplayer on my PC
Good morning, Please find below as required my print screen concerning my pb with flash player : The worst is that I unstalled completely flasplayer and at any connection now appears this window ?!...
View ArticleRe: Add searchable criteria to pages.
You can do that already with search in Acrobat. Use Ctrl+F to get the find box, then pull down the menu beside it to get full search.
View ArticleRe: Mobile synced to cloud but not iPad
Could you please try to re-sign-in to the Lr Mobile app. There was a misconfiguration at the back-end of your account. Should be fixed now. -Guido
View ArticleRe: How to load multiple HTML5 canvas on the same page (the proper method)
@kglad: apologies for unmark your reply as "correct answer". With the rise of single page applications nowadays, this question takes even more relevance. I think that this is quite business critical...
View ArticleRe: Selecting font type
The creating agency may also have retained the copyright. Check your contract with them, you might be obliged to pay them for all changes.
View ArticleHi, I cancelled by mistake a folder from my macbook's creative cloud folder.
This folder was already synced on the cloud and I can see it is still there as I paused the syncing as soon as I realised I deleted the folder by mistake. How can I download the folder from the cloud...
View ArticleRe: how do i add a condition in my form?
the last version. XI When i say conditions i mean " conditional logic" or... "algorithm"
View ArticleRe: I have just installed PS trial on new windows 8 computer but it wont open...
you're welcome. p.s. please mark helpful/correct responses.
View ArticleRe: L'animation se joue sur le logiciel mais pas dans le navigateur (chrome)
Bonjour Cédric, En attendant que Mary vous réponde en début de matinée (heure américaine) donc vers 14 heures en France, vous pouvez avancer. 3 idées : 1) Téléchargervos fichiers sur ce forum en...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom desktop not syncing with mobile
Had exactly the same problem and solved it for me as well. Hopefully there will be a fix for this soon and also a little more guidance readily available on managing these problems. Thanks as it was...
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