asked to sign End User Agreement, but where?
I'm starting to get asked by certain sites (e.g. store card statements) that issue data as pdfs to relaunch Adobe Reader, sign the End User Agreement, close then relaunch in order to access pdf...
View ArticleRe: How do I get in Illustrator NEGATIVE logotype from POSITIVE logotype step...
Thank you, Maja. I shall look forward to it (I hope).
View ArticleRe: Error You are running an operating system that InDesign no longer...
Which operating system are you running?
View ArticleCreative Cloud kan man nicht öffnen! Was da eigentlich los???
Wenn man sich bei Creative Cloud anmeldet, dann kommt ein Text " Abgemeldet" weiter steht da, melden Sie sich an, um fortzufahren. Nun frage ich mich was ist da eigentlich los? Ich hätte darauf gerne...
View ArticleRe: I recently upgraded from PSE 7 to PSE 12. All my tags are no longer...
Hi, Which operating system are you running on? The information like tags and albums are stored within your catalog. Did you convert the version 7 catalog to version 12 catalog without any errors? The...
View ArticleRe: Batch export off by one frame
Hi, I just tested this and can't reproduce the problem. I tried selecting lip in/out in both premiere cc (2014, 8.0.0 169 build) and ame and both were frame accurate. Can you double check your frame...
View ArticleRe: Peut-on monétiser des tutos éducatifs sur l'interface cs via youtube sans...
Bonjour, Merci de cette information je suis convaincu que cela est possible sur youtube donc après tout cela ne peut pas me pénalisé si je teste sur une chaîne secondaire. Poster un petit tuto pas très...
View ArticleProblem dowloading free photoshop trial on my mac
When I try to doanload my free trial It gets stuck on this screen shot forever. I've tried several times over the past couple days. Is it because I'm using a mac OS X? Please help me out- I'm totally...
View ArticleWhy capital letters change in lower after copying them from a PDF document,...
Why capital letters change in lower after copying them from a PDF document, or otherwise, why some uppercase are in fact lowercase when I look in the Text Property in any PDF Reader.
View ArticleRe: adobe starter edition has photo numbers by the picture such as...
Hi, If you are looking at the thumbnails in the organizer, try going to the View menu and ensure that Details and File Names are checked. The file name and date should appear under each thumbnail. If...
View ArticleRe: Trying to download LR5 on new MAC. I have LR5 CD, but can't run on this...
Here's the Lightroom download: So when you say your serial number isn't accepted, have you tried entering it into the downloaded software?
View ArticleRe: How to make a Scratch disk
View Articlemessage "your trial period is finished"
Hi Mark, I´m using Adobe Acrobat XI, Subscription Edition, since more than a year.In the last weeks I have problems with the Software. I always receive the message "Your trial period is...
View ArticleRe: wide screen capture and export
Which camera do you have?If you camera is in fact a good old dv cam then DVpal widescreen is the correct setting.I recently edited footage from a Sony 2100 and it looked 'terrible' in comparison with...
View ArticleRe: I just paid for a CC membership, but all my my programs are asking for...
same here ... all tutorials and tipps from adobe won´t work. Really bad Joke Adobe ! I pay for something which is not working
View ArticleRe: Error You are running an operating system that InDesign no longer...
thank you for reply, I have Mac OS X
View ArticleRe: Creative Cloudのアップデートでエラーコード43が発生します。
ディレクトリ、及びファイルにアクセス出来ない、という状況については、権限の問題が考えられますね。MacなのかWindowなのかわかりませんが、フォルダのアクセス権を修復してみてはどうでしょうか。・フォルダのアクセス権を初期化する・ディスクのアクセス権を修復する方法(Mac OS X)
View ArticleRe: Problem dowloading free photoshop trial on my mac
Hi,this problem I had too. After de- and new installing by using>>> Creative Cloud Help/Troubleshoot...
View ArticleRe: フォトショップを起動できない。
インストールが出来ているのであれば、起動を阻害しているのは何かのプロセスの可能性が高いです。 まずセーフブート若しくは不要なサービス停止で起動できるか試してください。 それで出来るのであれば、OSで実行している何かのプロセスが原因です。
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