Thanks for writing to us. You can save your PDF files on Acrobat.com . Please follow the steps to save files on acrobat.com :
- Open Adobe Reader
- Select Acrobat.com from left panel.
- Tap on “Get started”
- Select “Get an Adobe ID”
- Fill in you details and select “SIGN UP”
- Check your mailbox. You will receive a verification email from Acrobat.com.
- Click on the link in mail.
- On Adobe Reader, go to Acrobat.com and click “CHECK AGAIN AND CONTINUE”
- You will be signed in to Acrobat.com and can now upload your files to the cloud(Select files from Document and save to Acrobat.com).
Hope this will help. Can you please also tell do you see some error while uploading files to Acrobat.com?
Thanks ,