Re: is typekit included in my complete cc subscription ?
Thanks Liz ! Exactly what I needed to know. Do you happen to know if the same is true for Audition ? I am thinking about giving it a try, but not if I have to pay more. Thanks Again ! -Frank
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC pricing question
hiIn Photoshop CC ($19.99/month) that's a single application subscription, you will only get only one application that is Photoshopand in CC Photography Plan ($9.99/month) you get the Lightroom...
View ArticleWhere should pics edited in Ps be file for easy access?
I've just converted from a PC to the Mac iOS. I find the way that Ps/iOS files my Ps edited photos opaque. My pics are being filed in folders I can't located via the Finder. Ps/iOS (don't know which...
View ArticleRe: Cannot Open Attachments in PDF
What type of file is the attachment? Is it an allowed file type? There is a list of file types allowed and not allowed that is controlled in the registry.Attachments
View ArticleRe: When I try to update InDesign, I receive error U44M1P34
Blaneg7 please try the following steps to resolve the U44M1P34 error: Uninstall InDesign CCNow sign out of Adobe Creative Cloud and then quit Adobe Creative Cloud.Now sign in Adobe Creative Cloud and...
View ArticleRe: Captivate functions to communicate with LMS api
I'm using Captivate 7, i have upgraded to Captivate 8 a couple of day ago, so the answer is "Captivate 8" thanks
View ArticleiOS 8 - FileStream throwing error 2038 on open for write?
Hey all, Going through iOS 8 compatibility checks with our Adobe AIR app (tested with AIR 13 and AIR 14), I'm noticing changes to file storage.In short, my code has always been as follows for simply...
View ArticleRe: My Acrobat Pro is not displaying all the colour which are in the pdf
Hi Pete, We've recently had the same issue but cant seem to get a resolution? Have you managed to get around the problem? We use Acrobat Pro 10.1.10 and recently have files that don't display certain...
View ArticleRe: Vote to Withdraw the Pepper Flash Player (PPAPI)
Let's se-se-se-send Chrome's PPAPI flash player version which is called pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-pe-Pepper back to la-la-la--la-la-la-labs until they fix all i-i-i-i-issues and finally it...
View ArticleRe: problemas al empaquetar en indesign cc 2014
siempre que lo haces o con algunos archivos en particular?
View ArticleRe: Contact Form Using Godaddy
Has this ever been answered? Maybe on another thread. I have 4 websites hosted by godaddy and using muse forms. They use to to work great, than they started to take hours to come in and now they...
View ArticleRe: Cannot Open Attachments in PDF
They may be .png. jpg. Tiff, gif, excel spreadsheets, or word documents. Where do I find a list? It was never an issue in the past. We have using the Shared Review process for over three years. But now...
View ArticleRe: Re-Installing a Suite
CS5 -
View ArticleTimeout error when calling VerifyEntitlement.php
When calling VerifiyEntitlement.php I get the get a timeout error after attempting to do a curl_exec on the entitlements page. Curl error: Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes...
View ArticleHow do you fix the following error? "This type of file is not supported, or...
How do you fix the following error? "this type of file is not supported, or the required codec is not installed. It is a PREL file.
View ArticleRe: How to convert a .mp4 video to .ogv?
Hi Rich, Unfortunately, Adobe Media Encoder doesn't have native support for ogg/theora or ogg/vorbis. However, you can install a (currently beta) plug-in on your system which will enable ogg encoding...
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