Re: Images rotating upon output! help!
Ignacio,1) I take the pictures vertically with my ipad.2) I open them in Photoshop Touch, they open correctly,3) I edit them and save them, they save correctly within Photoshop touch4) I output them...
View ArticleRe: Ai created design to work with coreldraw
Depending on the version Corel Draw should be able to open AI CS4 or even CS5 files. You'll need at least version X5. But of course there will be losses. What's in the file? Just simple paths? Has it...
View ArticleRe: Changing staze size at a single scene
Hi, Stage is a document property ,and any changes made to stage properties will be reflected throughout the document.Unfortunately there seem to be no way to specify different stage sizes for different...
View ArticleRe: What do i have to do to avoid "loading flash" when embedding video in pdf?
Whenever a Rich Media Annotation is being handled, Acrobat/Reader must load the Flash Player extension, decompress the SWF/video data, and hand it across. As a 32-bit application that involves a bunch...
View ArticleAdode design premium
Adobe Design Premium CS5.5.5.5 MLP AOO License 65112131をインストールしたいのですが、『インストールファイルを開けません。ディスクイメージを取り出す必要があります』という表示が出て開けません。どうしたら良いでしょうか。 購入は2011/7/22で、手元にはソフトウェアライセンス証書があります。
View ArticleAccount changes can not be saved
In the last five days I have spent all of my time trying to figure out how to download my CS3 software to my new iMac (Maverick is supposed to work with CS3). I made the mistake to change my e-mail...
View ArticleRe: Turning OFF Audio Playback during capture?
this is the solution of it... it works in my windows 7 PC. i use adobe premiere pro CS5.5 and CC and it has the same settings(capture settings) that allows me to mute the audio while capturing......
View ArticleRe: Why does the screen in PS go black when I use the crop tool?
Do you have Windows? Sounds like a display driver issue. Visit the web site of the maker of your video card and see if they have an updated driver. Sometimes Windows Update delivers older or less...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom not opening photoshop even after a reinstall
See Edit In doesn't work in Lightroom 5.5 from Photoshop CC 2014
View ArticleTools won't show up in picture
Alright, I have been having this same problem happen every time I use Photoshop. I'll open up a file, work on it, save and close and go to another file. When I go to the other file, and start using the...
View ArticleRe: Register for multiple events at the same time?
Knowing about the core system structure, the goals for each module and the system module structure as well as what people need from them. And knowing how web apps work in the back end Adam... Still...
View ArticleIs it possible to use Photoshop Elements and update to Yosemite?
I have a question, I use Apple Computer with OSX 10.9.4 and I want upgrade to Yosemite, is this possible or is there a problem with photoshop elements? It would be nice if someone know and can help me!...
View ArticleMake Ps create thumbnails for CR2 image files
It's frustrating trying to find an images with cryptic camera file names. Why doesn't Ps create thumbnail images of those file types?
View ArticleRe: ニコン D810は何時Lightroomで使えますか?
私はアドビ・クリエイティブ・クラウドの「写真家向けプログラム」に加入しておりますが、先日、アドビCCのサポート窓口に、本件を質問したら「解りません」との回答を頂きました。 なんの為の「クリエイティブ・クラウド」だと...
View ArticleSlider: horizontal transition distance control
Is there any way to control the horizontal distance of the sliders? In the example below the slider travels the full width when clicking the next button, as it's supposed to. But, I would love to have...
View ArticleRe: Make Ps create thumbnails for CR2 image files
Not really as photoshop can not write to the camera raw file, just the side car. However if you are on windows, Microsoft has a camera raw driver for windows 7. I have not tested it with windows 8. If...
View ArticleRe: レイヤーカンプオプションについて(“位置”の反映)
Yamonov さん そうですよね。そうならないとオカシイですよね。ただ、今使用しているCS6/WinでもそれまでしようしてたCS5/Winでも同様でしたので、レイヤーカンプの操作方法が間違っているのでしょうか? レイヤーカンプの操作って、特に難しいことができるようなものではないはずですが、新規/更新/オプション 何をしても位置オプションが思うように効いてくれません。
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