Urgent!! - Adobe CC crashes during the "extracting " process for Photoshop,...
I need urgent support because Adobe CC crashes after the "extracting " process of an app. So if i choose to download an application ( Muse, Photoshop etc ) it downloads, and after that it crashes, is...
View ArticleRe: Why does Creative Cloud tell me continuously that I'm signed out?
Hi fionadesign, Please refer to the following thread where this issue stands resolved:"You've been signed out" error every time I try to sign into Creative Cloud desktop application. Regards,Sheena
View ArticleRe: Can you format the Quiz Review Area text box?
Thanks for your reply Rod. It's the review area on the Quiz Results screen. The text comes in a grey box with a black background which I don't seem to be able to format at all. Ideally I'd like to get...
View Articleピクチャー・イン・ピクチャー
Premier Pro CCでピクチャー・イン・ピクチャーをやりたいのですが、ひとつの画面の中にもうひとつ小さな画面を入れるところまではできました。そこで質問ですが、小さい方の画面のふちをぼかしたいのです。どなたかご指導ください。
View ArticleRe: Ingested Media Glitching on Premiere Pro for Windows but Not Mac
I don't believe so. I've left it to the default configured settings with the most up to date drivers.
View ArticleRe: coda 2
This is a Dreamweaver forum; you are better off asking the question in the Coda forum. If you want to use a different editor, try one of Adobe's up and coming products called Edge Code (a.k.a....
View ArticleRe: can't install 11.0.07 update
Hello, I had the same error on all of my Domain bound machines. The only way to correct the issue was to unjoin the domain, install the update, then rejoin the domain. We use folder redirection...
View ArticleRe: Re: Are there any Director scripts resp. code beyond "cast members"?
Okay, so it's for the initial value. Thanks! But somehow the vlue is changed clicking into the UI without assigning a new value to the variable in any script. Can another script change the value by...
View ArticleClipboard Problems!
I'm having a really huge problem with my clipboard. Well, first off I want to say that I have used Photoshop CS5.1 for quite a while now and I have never dealt with this situation before. Every time I...
View ArticleRe: Cannot extract files
I've tried downloading to my external hard drive, 'my documents', a folder on my desktop, and to the actual desktop. All come back with the same error message.
View ArticleRe: PDF file changes text formating after initial viewing.
No, we don't get a save prompt after initial viewing. The file is already saved on the network.
View ArticleRe: Hi. I want to add text to my photos using an ap on my iPad! Suggestions?...
Moving the discussion to Photoshop express for IOS forum. Thanks,Atul Saini
View ArticleRe: Trouble opening PDF:s with the latest version of Adobe
Open the file in Adobe Reader. Don't use the PDF viewer of Firefox or Google.
View ArticleRe: Issues with my .ai logo
Ok, I think I got it!!! I went into the .ai, and I switched all the spot colors for process. Then I resaved the logo, and that logo is not changing in the preview mode and when I save it to pdf...
View ArticleRe: Edit options are unavailable for PDF emailed from UK to US?
There is a possibility that yes, it could be in the way it was created. It may be creating non-compliant pdf files. Have you just tried saving as a pdf from Word?
View ArticleRe: Changing the color of a node in 3D Pdf
Unfortunately the 3D API hasn't changed in recent versions of Acrobat (and won't), so what I said back then still stands. For reasons I won't go into the material object has no constructor function, so...
View ArticleCan I rock an "else if" in advanced actions.
Hey all,Is there a way to add an "else if" statement to conditional actions in the captivate advanced actions dialogue?The if>then>else is obvious but I want if>then>else...
View ArticleFinal Cut Pro X movie file audio want play in Premiere
Final Cut Pro X movie file audio want play in Premiere. Video play great but audio want play at all. Can anyone help?
View ArticleRe: Calculation Help
I need a script that would take the value from the "Total Monthly" field with the dollar sign(that field automatically generates the sum from the above fields) and multiply it by "12" but also is blank...
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