Re: Install Adobe Flash Player on MacBook Air
You need to close the Safari process, not only the browser window. If you don't know how to do that, restart your Mac, then run the downloaded installer before doing anything else.
View ArticleRe: Repeatedly asked to accept license agreement
OK. I am on Mac. Not sure how to do something similar then.
View ArticleRe: no blur and motion blur effect available in the spin blur gallery
hi Bijouz, Resetting Blur Gallery should do the trick. Edison
View ArticleOffset path has a math error at 4 decimal places
I have Illustrator CC 2014 running in Mac OS X 10.9.3, and discovered tonight while making a test pattern that if I do an offset path of -0.0005" it doesn't calculate the size of the resulting objects...
View ArticleCrash when I try to change file order in InDesign book
Hi!I'm working on a book in InDesign that consists of several different indd-files collected in a indb-file. Everything has been working without issues until recently when I tried to remove some excess...
View ArticleRe: ICH10R X58 Raid 5
It is spelled out in the link Bill gave you, Tweakers Page - To Raid or not to Raid Dedicated versus distributed parity is the difference, as well as rebuild time. Video plus photo's makes no difference.
View ArticleRe: I have a MacBook Pro. I cannot install the Flashplayer updates. Help!!!!!!
You need to close the Safari process, not only the browser window. If you don't know how, restart your Mac, then run the downloaded installer before doing anything else.
View ArticleRe: long to int32 conversion issues in Xcode 5.0.2 when building plugin for...
Hi kapoor_aman27, this is just a warning, because the size of the string is stored as an int32 and some function has Argument with type int32. You can change the compiler setting "Treat Warnings as...
View ArticleRe: Creative cloud app : unable to install id : error 48
I turned off the Kaspersky and it seems to be working.
View ArticleRe: i am unable to download adobe flash to my mac why
Try g
View ArticleRe: Adobe Creative Cloud Updater - Strange window on Mac OS X
Same problem on Late 2011 17 inch Macbook pro with new SSD HD. Fresh install of Mavericks. No Google IME. I get that blank window along the bottom when I bring the CC desktop app into focus and it also...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Creative Cloud Updater - Strange window on Mac OS X
Thank you for contacting me!I've moved to!Please contact me at!
View ArticleAutosave pdf contents in livecycle es2
We have requirement to auto save pdf data in the database every 10 minutes.We are using livecycle es2 and we do not have reader extension.We are opening the form in web browser and some how we need...
View ArticleRe: Mac OSX 10.9.3関連情報
追加情報です。 6月30日(米国)、アップル社様よりMac OSX 10.9.4がリリースされました。About the OS X Mavericks v10.9.4 Update Mac Pro (Late 2013, ATI Fire Pro D700搭載)で報告があったPremiere pro CCでの再生トラブルやAdobe Media...
View ArticleUnnesting synced Audio from Pluraleyes sequences. Any Ideas?
Hello All, I have recently started post-audio work on an indy feature film and upon starting with the dialogue editing I have come across a bit of a snag. I believe the editor has synced all the audio,...
View ArticleRe: Illustrator - problem with font Windsor
So i today uninstal Windsor font from my PC and delete "Windsor" from registr via regedit + restart PC. After this i install same font from co-worker. The graphic with font Windsot still give me info...
View ArticleChanging from Creative Cloud Photoshop to Photography Plan.
Does changing from Creative Cloud Photoshop Anual subscription (before running the all year contract) to Photography Plan has a penalty?
View ArticleRe: Crash when I try to change file order in InDesign book
Is it possible to create a crash report from this kind of error – when the InDesign just keeps spinning until I force it to quit? I've tried to create a new book with the same files but the same error...
View ArticleRe: Flash CC error with exported mov
Looks strange. I have tried your file on Mac 10.9.3 with QuickTime player version 10.3 (727.4) as well and found it to be working fine. I have got about 48.9 MB of mov file. Also it was working fine in...
View ArticleHow to unlink or break the link between two text box
Hi,I'm new to to indesigni wanted to know whether is there a way to unlink two text boxesi know the method to link the boxes but, i want to know the method to break the link between the text box Thanks
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