Re: I have adobe reader but cant open pdfs from emails. Why?
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View ArticleRe: Increase the amount of time a menu will stay open?
Without proper system info nobody can say anything. This is not normal behavior and something is misconfigured. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: How to troubleshoot opening freehand MX files in Illustrator CS5
No idea. That would require to know what is actually going on in the files or even have an example for checking. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: Is 'Track Matte Key' buggy in Premiere CS6?
Ok, good to know they're working on it. Thanks again.
View ArticleAdobe Edge Animate not installing.
I'm trying to get a trial version of Adobe Edge Animate loaded on my PC but it's not showing up in the Creative Cloud list of apps. I've been told by a person who should know that, because the Core i5...
View ArticleRe: Adobe ID sign in button not working in Adobe Reader
Did you add your Adobe ID to the Reader preferences [Adobe Reader | Edit | Preferences | Adobe Online Services] ?
View ArticleRe: PDF to Word
Hi patryba, You can access ExportPDF here: Adobe Please let us know how it goes! Best,Sara
View ArticleRe: Illustrator autosave recovery file...
superscape - I tried your app. It just did it's first autosave - so far so good.
View ArticleHow do I access ExportPDF?
Hi, somehow I have problems converting files from PDF to Word. It started when I am not able to find out how to sign in, I mean under which category. Beforehand everything worked just fine. [Private...
View ArticleRe: Tengo instalado photoshop cc en versión prueba, pero no me atrevo a...
Guten Morgen Ana, vielleicht hatten Deine Maßnahmen ja schon Erfolg. Wenn nicht, schlage ich vor, dass Du Deine Frage AUCH in das deutschsprachige Forum stellst, hier der Link: Deutsche Foren einige...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Reader could not open 'PO 6484.pdf' because it is either not a...
See also
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View ArticleRe: POWERPC APP are no longer supported
Yes, you need a new version. This is nothing anyone can change. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: I downloaded reader 9 and now everything in my pc has turned into a pdf...
I don't know what you mean by "one to one support". I also don't know your operating system. All I can offer is
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