Re: Selecting active file when other files are open in PS.
There you have it: if(documents.length != 1) return;
View ArticleI removed the applications of photoshop en lightroom from my computer after...
I removed the applications of photoshop en lightroom from my computer after the free trial. Now I have a paid contract and I cannot download the apllications. What to do?
View ArticleTrouble scanning in Photoshop CC
I have recently upgraded to Photoshop CC from CS6In the past, I've used file/import/images from device as a quick, direct way to scan sketches and images from an Epson 10000 XL flatbed scanner. With...
View Articleh o w ge t y o ur s e x ba ck +919461165176
h o w ge t y o ur s e x ba ck +919461165176h o w ge t y o ur s e x ba ck +919461165176h o w ge t y o ur s e x ba ck +919461165176h o w ge t y o ur s e x ba ck +919461165176h o w ge t y o ur s e x...
View Article2 Questions About Business Catalyst
1. If the bandwidth limit is 1TB, how many visitors can be online each month? Talking about 5 pages website like portfolio.2. Do I get Content management system even if I don't use business catalyst?
View ArticleRe: Premiere Pro CC Mac - Yellow preview bar with ProRes clips?
My understanding of the blog was that only a few codecs (DV and DVCPRO) will interpret footage in a way that doesn't result in a yellow bar. yellow: The source media’s codec is computationally...
View ArticleRe: Is there a way I can make a button repeat its actions while the mouse is...
Here is a example If you press and hold the button ,the circle will enlarge and contract,as soon as mouse up it - Google Drive
View ArticleRe: Screen Layout Corruption?
I'm thinking the problem is the one described in Re: Printing template to edit in Robohelp 10? and that Willam has correctly identified the problem is related to printing from the online help rather...
View ArticleRe: cpsid_82829s4
Hi placeking,The Adobe Support Advisor is end of life. The Adobe Support Advisor has been discontinuedThe Adobe Support Advisor tool was used to analyze...
View ArticleRe: CFPDF not working
You can immediately see a syntax error: the line <cfdump var="#r#" label="Result" misses the character > at the end. After correcting this, make sure the file REPORT.pdf is a PDF form and mind...
View ArticleRe: 2GB AMD Radeon HD 8790M for Photoshop cc
No. Balance is the key. All components should work well together with no one being stand out more powerful than any other. When I bought a laptop earlier this year, I looked at the gaming laptops....
View ArticleMuse won't start, Fustration
Hi, I'm trying to use the trail of adobe muse cc, It downloads without a problem, air updates, then i go to run muse and it gets stuck on the splash loading screen, nothing shows up as in what is...
View ArticleRe: Why does my real name appear instead of my screen name?
It only appears for you when your signed into the forum.(nobody else but you can see your real name) more info: Real name instead of Screen name displayed This is what i see:
View Articleinteractive pdf on tablet
Hi everyone,i made a pdf document with interactive actions like bottons that turn on or turn off some layers.This document works well on my pc with adobe reader but it doesn't work on ipad or iphone....
View Articlev oo do o bla ck m ag ic +919461165176
v oo do o bla ck m ag ic +919461165176v oo do o bla ck m ag ic +919461165176v oo do o bla ck m ag ic +919461165176v oo do o bla ck m ag ic +919461165176v oo do o bla ck m ag ic +919461165176v oo do o...
View ArticleIs It Possible To Use A Video in the Background?
Can I use a video from youtube in the background and then set it on repeat and mute it too? Is it possible to do it on full screen?
View ArticleRe: I am using CS5 but I can't use my stamptool anymore. How can I reset it?
The Clone Source Panel is a Panel of its own. If you are unable to even locate it despite my clear indication (Window > Clone Source) I have little hope of being able to help you.
View ArticleRe: in-browser editing not working on some pages
Thanks. So to summarise for anyone else reading this: the behaviour I have seen is as expected given the Muse bug with links that have effects applied. And the only other workaround at the moment...
View ArticleRe: Advance Actions
Yes thank you Rod for your comment this is noted. However having read the material I have now this But it still not functioning correctly.
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